"A Webcam is a computer external input hardware device that captures the video image or scene from its front and allows the image to view on the internet by other users.A webcam is essentially a camera connected to the Computer".Webcams ore commonly used by the parents, housewives, Children who want to show the visual scene of what is going home.This is used in video calling on internet which shows other users the scene of the front of the webcam that it captures.
Webcam works by capturing the series of digital images.After capturing these images were transferred to a server on the internet and then displayed to the hosting page.Webcams differ on the bases of capabilities and features.
It is now used in offices, homes, streets, transport services and other small things like pen for Security reason.They provided so much security. Webcams that are used in these places having the feature of recording.Everything happened in the shops or streets is recorded and can be reviewed when needed.